

Dear parent,

I regret to inform you that The Children’s Practice will be closing at the end of November 2018. It has been our pleasure to care for you and your family. There are some limited clinic appointments available and if you feel that you need a further visit, please contact Maire to make an appointment. Dr Bolger and Dr Buckley are reviewing the notes of all patients who have been seen in the last six months and will be making personal contact with those who may require final reviews.

Your medical notes will be maintained on The Children’s Practice IT system. The Children’s Practice is not joining another clinic and the Practice remains in control of the data on your child and your family. Your GP will have a copy of all clinic letters and that should be sufficient for your needs. If you wish to have a copy of your notes these can be requested at [email protected]. You will not receive any correspondence from third parties in relation to your child.

We wish you all the best in the future with your family.

Kind regards

The Childrens Practice team